Level One Official’s Course

SLSI31 October and 1 November 2015 commencing 9am on Saturday 31 October, at Surf House, 64 Smith Street Wollongong (subject to numbers). This course is 9am-3pm both days.

Clubs who have interested candidates need to advise Surf Life Saving Illawarra either by email office@slsillawarra.com.au or surfsports@slsillawarra.com.au or telephone 4228 3884 no later than Wednesday 14 October 2015.

The cost is $85.00 (incl. GST) per person. All candidates must complete the form attached and payment is to be received no later than Wednesday 21 October 2015.

Any enquiries can be directed to Keith Caldwell, Surf Life Saving Illawarra Director of Surf Sports, either by email surfsports@slsillawara.com.au or telephone 0414 258 295

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