
Corrimal Nippers

Welcome to Corrimal Sandpipers

Every parent wants their child to lead a happy, healthy and active youth. There is no better place for this than introducing your child to surf lifesaving and Nippers.

Nippers is a junior program that introduces children aged 5 to 13 to surf lifesaving. It is a fun outdoors activity that grows a child’s confidence, teaches valuable life skills and knowledge. Every surf life saving club around Australia offers a nippers program, all with various styles and sizes.

The youth of today are the future of Surf Life Saving, and the Nippers pathway teaches lessons and skills allowing them to continue in lifesaving and sport as they grow older.

But it’s not hard work. We like to call it serious fun! Nippers is a great way for children to make friends, be active and enjoy the beach in a safe environment.
Upcoming: Important Dates

  • Sunday 11th September 2016: Spring into Corrimal
  • Sunday 18th & 25th September 2016: Registration Days (10am-12noon, Corrimal Pool)
  • Sunday 16th October 2016: Nippers first day back
  • Sunday 18th December 2016: Last day for the year
  • Sunday 22nd January 2016: Nippers starts back in the new year
  • Saturday 11th March 2016: Last day of the season – Twilight Nippers
  • To be advised: Presentation Day

Review: Corrimal Sandpipers 2015/16

At our club, Nippers are managed by a Committee that reports to the senior club. This gives our juniors a certain amount of independence while ensuring they get the support they need.

2015/16 started off with some real challenges which saw a lot of changes happen within our Junior Club. With a fresh Committee and new enthusiasm, we met every challenge. It was a very productive year for Corrimal Nippers and we had the highest amount of help from parents that I have seen in my time at Corrimal Nippers. It’s so nice to see and it keeps the kids involved when they see Mum and Dad, Nan and Pop get involved as well.. To all of the new and existing committee members, Age Managers and behind-the-scene volunteers, thank you so much for your time and support throughout the season, our club would not be what it is today without your help.

Our first group of Nipper graduates (U15’s this season)came back in force to help out with water safety and patrols. They achieved their Bronze Medallion this season. Our second group completed their first year as a patrol group (U14’s this season) and we have our 3rd group (U13 this past season) who will start their first patrol season as a group and achieved their Surf Rescue Certificate.

All our fabulous nippers grew in confidence, knowledge and skills this past season. They are the reason we all do what we do. Future life savers and/or great examples of being surf aware and safe at the beach.

Our club was well represented in all competitions throughout the year. From the Sydney Water Series through to the Branch Titles and State Championships, there was always a “Black and White” quartered cap competing on the sand or in the water. At the Branch Championships we had 28 competitors, all of whom tried their hearts out – we were represented in the first event of the day and did not stop until the last. We remain Branch Champions for March Past 10 years in a row now, also some individual gold and bronze medals. We also had our team qualify for State Board rescue U11’s. That’s a fantastic result for a small club. A Special thanks must go out to all the parents who gave up their time to be an official or help out with water safety. I was so proud to see every single parent that turned up assist in some way at the carnivals.

So even though our start wasn’t a brilliant one, the season was amazing, presentation and twilight nippers were fantastic and we are looking forward to doing it all again this next season. See you all there.

Cheers Lisa Cox (Junior Chairperson)

How do I sign my child up to Nippers?

Visit and follow the easy steps. Or simply contact us.